It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ![]() ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
Links .
6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
chatted with tam just now...
haizz.... i really wanna be like before sias.... sian ah.... cos it will never be,especially when she keeps blaming herself on something that is sooo long ago. it might be, if she stops blaming on herself and forget everything, or at least, act like nothing happened. i really forgot it... hmm..really. not lying. really. im thinking.... i cant rmb. anws.... i dunno why hor, i dont mind being hurt cos of her again... id rather me myself hurt den her... how come so weird ah??!! sian ah! history repeated it self. i told andrea everything... andrea, THANK YOUS!!!! <33 ai si ni la! =love(u) die me. :D:D:D just wish that andrea would be with tamilyn... when she need her.... putting on a happy face. ANDREAAAAAAAAA,THANKS MUCH! i will never forget how you stood by me when i needed someone most. when i hurt you a heavens lot. when we were besties,i mean NOW!!! when you helped me... you comforted HER. thanks a zillion baby! i mean mas selamat;lame ass;sister;waterbotter;sotong;tomato;koala bear i will miss you... <33 anws, i went for random blog visiting, went 1e, went to friends' friend blog. ended up in a school mate's blog. thats how i know people but they dont know me :x it wrote: if people decides to leave you for good, you have to let go no matter how hard it is.Even if you have the strength to fight for them, its still beyond our control. that applies to me,sadly. i cant live without her(as a friend),but she could live without me... its no use. just give it up. bye bye... |