It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ![]() ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
Links .
6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
The past, and the future.
October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 October 2011 |
Thursday, December 17, 2009
decided not to chat...
with a few people, blocked them out. now suddenly very emo. :x i dont wanna talk to them. all of a sudden. weird isnt it. decided to block them until.. i dunno? when i hyper? i just want to be quiet for today. something did make my day happier. i just won 10,000,000 extra chips. thanks to my low level but pro scores. :D HAHAHA oh well, that was fake. huge go out plan for tmr. and yes, my father dont want me to belike that. but he brought it onto himself. because he always put me down. i, see how he react. at least i told him that. he should be grateful. christmas shopping shldnt be like scared not to spend. and what? he expects me to keep some? crap. bullshit. and yes, i, am going to spend it all. so what if im a spendthrift? i WORKED hard for it. HARD. know how to earn and spend. are you gonna bring all your money with you to hell when you die? no. so just spend them. sucker, h.e. <3 |