It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ![]() ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
all tired out
very very tired today.
-i carried a damn heavvvvy bag -with some books on my hands - plus one erhu -and my wallet. -had co till 6 -no breaks at all -rushed home. WTH. i had like: totally no hands. almost fell. freak embarrassing. :x tsktsk. uhmm.. lets not get too distracted. start with my nice nice nice stupid day. =.= ate the special k. i just realised that i bought it for practically no reason. =.= dens, went toschool, smsed marcus, very fong ci him. =.= i was like: AH~ you in school ah? i tot u in school dun dare sms? =.= dens, val smsed me, ask if wan sms anot, today got loads of test. i thought btr not. :D dens, had pe. got the nice shot put. uhhmm, pronounced as short butt? Zzzz took one of the puts cos licy, yuanye and elizabeth tell me to take. den i was like: okay lahs~ me, yunjie, elizabeth and chloe were discussing about something disgusting. about the transparent shirt. :x i meant translucent. pe shirt summore. dry fit. dens, the put was heavvvy! my left hand sucks. actually, me, eli and licy were in the same grp. but andrea left hander, so licy and andrea swapped. dens, me and andrea watch shermin throw the shot putt (NO OFFENCE, SHERMINNN!) she turned back, waited for a second, use another hand to support the weight, throw out. 30 cm? (: dens, eli and i kept playing the this is a ______, what is this. i kept saying, this is a bitch, what is this. as in female dog, cos we were talking about animals. :x dens, we were complaining, dens, sang songs RANDOMMMMLY! sian until like that. tsktsk. dens, was english. CHIONGGGED BACK CLASS! luckily not the last. (: cos i went toilet. dens, had cl test. omg, im gonna like: die or ace. or get a b or c? =.= sian ahs rote too long. :x dens, was ipw. was sick. chloe cried. i was laughing? but halfway, he ate the sheep BRAIN. no mood to laugh, cos i didnt watch the 1st part. sean said that he even pulled out the head. *jealousy* mr chen's videos are nice. (: dens, was history. keep putting my head on table, den, just nice rmb, den was like: ohshit! and sit up straight. cut erasers, threw them into the bin. basketball. wastepaperbasket shooting game? sean and lucas were trying to throw in a pen. lucas--the 1st try. MISSED. tsktsk. sean--2nd try. MISSED. den landed near my feet. so i took it up. sean was like: eywait, i want shoot again. i threw it in without aiming. GO IN! :D so pleased with myself. sean had the WHATTHEHELL look. sad, my skills are better den his. ): awwww..... SO FUNNY! dens, OHYAH in chinese got this test. benjamin laughed. SO CONTAGIOUS LAH~ after a few min, i started to laugh. =.= had co anws,..... slacked, BUT, i got hold of 1 song, the new year song. shit. i will be performing for cny celebration. =.= people will be looking, and i will be at the sec2/4 side. SHOOT. lucky jolin beside me, block loads. (: THANKS! anws, gotta scoot. otherwise my parents scold. AGAIN??!! <33 love you to bitts! |