It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ![]() ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
Links .
6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
been feeling damn happy these few days.
smiling to the com non stop. :D once i use the com. took over. haha, dont care hims. (: HAHAHA den got a few new nice songs by fm static. meaningful lyrics. eff. eff. super nt shuang during pe. den the lessons, i kept lauhging with vinny, yongling and tamilyn. ohgosh. sean burped damn ass loudly. like burping on a loudhailer. stupid asshole burping machine. den tamilyn screamed and covered her EARS. =.= laugh like shit. was like: wtf. can dont do it anot? f**k lah~ den some boys were like cheering and clapping. crap shit. IMMATURED. shows that they are IMMATURED. comeon man, its disgusting. i mean like accidentally or once a while i can accept lah~ but not become a machine rite??!!! uncontrollable. >:( den continued laughing for history cos got farqruah. or sth like that. den tcher ws like: fark-quar. den we tot f*ck quar. or ah gua, tamilyn even said ba kwa. and said that his face looked like ba kwa. :D LOL! tamilyn, BA KWA is flat, red, squareish and his face is totally different. lohsss new years coming, tamilyn, your ba kwas coming. teacher:temenggong and sultan,whats the difference? student:temenggong is older (: teacher: oh, why lehs? student: cos temmengong got the gong at the back. class: laughs. gong as in ah gong the gong. grandfather. im being really mean when chatting with marcus now. he had some female frens, and i said: oh, having girlfrens aint so bad[or sth like tht] he was like: WTF. :D so fun! den nw talking about his gay classmate. laughing like siao. :D byebye. he will be gone for sec2 camp. wtf. so early!!! so jealous. :( |