It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ![]() ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
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6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
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Sunday, April 4, 2010
HAHAHAHA. back from church.
long time no post eh? went to malaysia and my father locked the com mah. and yes, LOCKED. >:( EVIL. anws, my MALAYSIA trip was FUN ! went on 2nd april. chermaine's birthday. :D woke up early in the morning. went bedok. dens, saw val. sherm, sheryl , linette and her fren come. her fren is ailing. :D dens, went msia. to our bunks, the 6 teenage gals tgt. :D lived on water. semi-d on water. DAMN FUN ! went tui chao that time can see crabs and mudskippers. and i got the top bunk. beside me was val. under me was ailing. (: played abit. ate abit. played again. =.= play carrom, the parents sing songs. got 1 is ji ba ban or something. we sing jibaban the 3 words and echo after them. MAD FUNNY! :D dens, crapped around. they(the 4 gals) went to sleep. val and i chatted instead. =.= dens, they woke up, played agains. =.= ate. but, went shopping. SHOPPING ! :D anws, did some stuff. lit firecrackers lahs. and then, eat again. and slept. (: next day, moodswing lah. mad day. went shopping. jusco. bought LOADS of purple stuff ! DAMN FUN ! PURPLE LEHHS ! <3 lovelove and 1 white sunglass. mad chio ! anws, emoed after tht. den eat. felt vomity. ewwwwwness. linette and val tried to rape me. i mean tickle lah. ailing took video. DAMN. dens, went home. ate sushi and loads. nth much. today, woke up early. :( and went church. sat with sherm, sheryl, linette, ailing and her fren. mad bored in there. linette kept talking to her fren. went to eat kfc with suzanna, meiyen, kongwei, weixue, wen bin and wen hui and yueyang and 1 more guy. =.= ate shrooms burger meal. OFCOS LAH. come back from malaysia must eat less. >:( sians. control for a stuubid week and im done. madcrap. :( went home. the stubbid com was locked. mad shit. >:( pissing off. watched tv instead. dad was like: wow, you dunnid study one ah. den i like: i got lor, okay? dont anyhow say me whn you are not me. MAD PISSING OFF LAH. i GOT study. maybe not alot, BUT I DID. =.= dumbass. been calling everyone chicken nehneh. =.= esp in class. getting mad in class luhhs. :D screaming about, laughing at history and music and etc? talking to mad with yl, tam and vinny? yeahs, that. sians. nid to go facebook. texted yongling einstein twinnylove<3 msned marcus called ariel textING tamilyn sweetheart<3 tagged tamilyn sweetheart<3 yongling einstein twinny<3 vinny laopo<3 hahhhh. donedone. we have a little clique. YAY. and, china with vinny in june ! :D YAY ! |