It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
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6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
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Saturday, September 11, 2010
This sucks
this sucks.
today sucked. i'm starting to srsly hate this church >:( super duper hell pissed. 1-- the food thinggy. is NOT like i purposely kept it behind. and you all said to leave it for later. YES. YOU ALL DID. GUESS WHAT. Next, YOU ALL BLAMED ME FOR NOT TAKING IT OUT. WTF. WHAT THE HECK. HELL TO YOU ASSHOLES. AND ITS ALL MY FAULT. EFF YOUS ! >:( 2-- shermaine. wenxing was like: eyy brian, wheres shermaine. Kept repeating shermaine. i heard it. YES I HEARD IT. IT SUCKS. SHERMAINE HATES BRIAN TO THE CORE AND SHE HAS TO TAKE ON ALL THIS BULLSHIT. BRIAN STILL SPREAD AROUND TO EVERYONE, TELLING THEM HE LIKES HER. EVERYONE THINKS THAT SHE LIKES HIM TOO. LIKE SRSLY?! NOT YOUR BULLSHIT ON HER. YOU ALL ARE JUST INSENSITIVE. YOU KNOW HOW PISSED OFF SHE IS?! EFF YOU ALLS ! *^#&^%(*&^# CANT YOU ALL PUT YOURSELF IN HER SHOES? SHE DONT DESERVE ALL THIS CRAP FROM YOU ALL. CAN YOU ALL LIKE GET A LIFE AND STOP SAYING THAT ALREADY. so yes, i told her. SO WHAT SHE DONT DESERVE ALL THIS BULLSHIT. she got really pissed. Really pissed. i was shocked abit lah. but, natural one lah. when this irritating stalker keeps irritating you. and tells everyone. and now everyone's talking about it and giving him hope. SHE HATES IT PEOPLE. SHE HATES IT TOTALLY. JUST UNDERSTAND HER FOR ONCE. you just say anything you like in oikos. but at least. just. STOP REPEATING IT. IT SUCKS. I SUCK TOO. CUZ I WAS UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING CUZ THEY WERE ALSO MY FRIENDS. i just dont understand why people can be so ... not understanding. i hate this like madness now. why does his one-sidedness makes everyone think that she has the same feeling for him ARE YOU ALL LIKE OUT OF YOUR MIND? OR DO YOU ALL HAVE NO BRAINS AT ALL. Once again for those who kept saying about it, FUCK YOU |