It hurts when you could easily forget the memories we shared,
the ones which I remembered even when I didn't want to.
'Missing you isn't the problem, it's wondering if you'll ever come back that's killing me.' 'Sometimes when you sacrifice something special, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on. ' ♥-/Increased.Heartbeat ME. I'm a simple girl living in a complicated world. I'm friendly and purple-struck. I get high at wrong times and I want to stay like that forever. I don't do drugs, I'm not in any gang. I'm that normal girl who is on Facebook, Twitter and MSN. Fell out of love and lost trust in it. Fahrenheit's sizzling hot and they burn. I see flames shooting out already.
Links .
6D'08@PCPS 2Endeavour'10@MFSS Grace.T@PCPS JiaJun@YDC Shermaine@BC Chinese Tamilyn@MFSS Vinny@MFSS YongLing@MFSS Private Blog HWEE EN'S !
The past, and the future.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011
Baby boy, 永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走
I think I'm dying of frustration. Firstly, super mad loads of Angels added me on Facebook, and I feel SO LAZY. Cuz there is like: Angel Paul: Who claims to be my Angel. x.x Angel Haha: KongWei's Angel Angel HeeHee Angel Jester Justic Angel: ZhengYi's Angel Angelimur Guardien TianShi 7 LEH ! :O I feel so LAZY. LOL, Everyone's guessing. I don't bother to. Everything will be revealed on 25 March. SO? Zhengyi came up with this. Angel Paul Hosanna Surrenders Angelimur Guardien Chua Boon Hwee /Wong Boon Pin Angel Jester Brian Knight Rider Chia Justice Wong Boon Pin / Chua Boon Hwee *according to their Facebook name, ripped off zhengyi's.* Anyways, have a feeling that this is going to be exciting to the very max. But, Brian cfm is one of them. He likes to copy mah, can't blame. But almost every Angel is writing Bible Verses. Like HUH OH THX LA. -.- HOLY. So anyways, Celebrated ZHEKAI MILKYDADDY's Birthday today. Yes, he is my milkydaddy. The awesomest one on earth. The milkiest one too. :D Today, Tamilyn and I forced him to drink milk from a milk bottle. Had to suck from it. Photos in FB. I wanna know who my Angel is. But now I know it can't be him. (: CHEERUPS, Everything happens for a reason. Anyways, I'm bored to the shit. I feel the need to let everything out. But no, I won't LOL my angel can easily read this. This blog's a easy lead. Got a lighter again, (Y) Burned my hand this time. FUN. Updates: I think I'm in love again. I count that as a good thing ! But at the same time I feel so LONELY. ++++ Shopping with Linette this Saturday ! Out with YongLing and YuanYe for a Red collar shirt this Wed ! And I'm in love with a song: 永远在身边-大嘴巴 Baby boy永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 眼泪 她为你流过 也为自己掉过 对於你们的爱 她总是抱着坚强的笑容 错过那些时间 谢谢她的守候 是时候 紧紧牵她的手 带她到你的城堡里 最近还好吗 想念的心开不了口 枯想着你有没有好好过 担心着你每天生活 你好吗 最近如何 照顾身体工作加油 我一个人也会勇敢好好过 不让你担心多一秒 想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事 两个人一起散步 是最浪漫的事 你是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持 那些关心问候 翅膀一样的双手 是我最幸福的所有 心里面有你建的角落 脆弱时我能够躲一躲 你爱我 像翅膀一样温柔的手 我要抱着你不要再错过 你的爱 是最蓝那片天空 cuz baby girl I'm coming back home Baby boy永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 幸福 少了你在身边不会完整 人潮中朝你走来那张可爱微笑的脸孔 这份爱 不是悸动 守护一辈子的感动 这段路踏着幸福的每一步一起牵着手 心疼你会睡不好 总是缩在床的一角 我要回来给你依靠 哄你看你笑着睡着 照片里 你的微笑 我们甜蜜得打闹 好希望微风把思念 代替我亲吻你嘴角 想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事 约定好去看的风景 爱谱成了诗 你就是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持 阳光灿烂午後 我又在街上走 你的影子不再寂寞 想到你的身边到不了 像个路人般看热闹 经过那个属於我们的转角 走过两个人曾经逛的街 那些店 还有熟悉的画面 oh baby girl I'm coming back home Baby boy永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走 永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活 不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候 不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活 没有办法想像 那画面 一个孤独的背影走在 小公园 一颗心 需要暖 一双手 需要牵 故事要有美好结局 需要两双手来写 永远 不是只出现在童话里的梦 在身边 眼泪加了蜜糖甜 这句点 要完美画在无名指上 承诺的开始 恋人们 要一起珍藏 kthxbye |